Freedom Center Responds with Posters Declaring “Berkeley Hates Free Speech”
David Horowitz, author of New York Times bestseller Big Agenda: President Trump’s Plan to Save America was scheduled to speak at UC Berkeley on Wednesday, April 12, but his planned visit—already beset by numerous restrictions and impediments from the university—was cancelled when his hosts, the Berkeley College Republicans, learned less than 48 hours before the event that they would be responsible for thousands of dollars in room rental – for a room the university demanded be a half mile away from campus – and security fees.
Horowitz’s hosts, the UC-Berkeley College Republicans, originally invited Horowitz to speak in the late afternoon when most classes are over and students would be available to hear him. But UC administrators insisted Horowitz could speak only at 1PM when afternoon classes are starting and most students would have difficulty attending. The UC police department also instructed Horowitz and the CRs not to advertise the location of the event but to keep it secret until just before the event itself. “In other words,” Horowitz commented, “the Berkeley administration has taken a page out of Orwell. Berkeley promotes itself as the ‘home of the free speech movement,’ but conservatives are free to speak only as long as they remain hidden.”
The Berkeley College Republicans agreed to these onerous restrictions under duress, but they were still blindsided by the University’s last-minute bill for security amounting to $5788—which the university claimed was the “bare minimum”—and an estimated $2000+ for rental of the room the University insisted on which was a half-mile away.
“We saw this bill for the first time today,” Berkeley College Republicans External Vice President Branden West wrote on April 10th to Horowitz and to Patrick Coyle of Young America’s Foundation, which was co-sponsoring the speech. “We share your deep frustrations with an administration and a police force that have made it so difficult for a college club to invite a prominent intellectual to speak. This is the state of free speech at the University of California, Berkeley.”
“University officials will tell you that the restrictions were necessary to ensure public safety, but this will just be the most egregious of their self-serving lies,” declared Horowitz.
Horowitz was scheduled to talk about the Trump administration and its enemies, and on Berkeley’s role in the campus sanctuary movement, an organized sedition to undermine the ability of the federal government to protect its citizens against criminals and terrorists. “Sedition, not free speech, is the true Berkeley legacy and tradition,” says Horowitz, “and patriotic Americans should not be intimidated by the threat of violence from defending their country.”
Horowitz is not the only conservative speaker to be turned away from Berkeley. When activist Milo Yiannopoulos attempted to speak on campus two months ago, anarchists staged a riot, injuring several bystanders and causing $100,000 in property damage, and resulting in the cancellation of his speech. Campus police were present but did nothing to prevent or stop it.
“Berkeley should be ashamed for its unconscionable failure to support free expression and intellectual diversity on a public university campus,” commented Horowitz. “At the same time UC Berkeley and universities like it discourage conservatives, they open their arms to racist organizations like Black Lives Matter and terrorist support groups like Students for Justice in Palestine, a range of radical organizations. They provide them with offices and money, and deploy their police forces to destroy posters and literature opposing them. This behavior is a pretty clear violation of the civil rights of conservative students, who pay the same tuition at taxpayer funded institutions as leftwing fascists do.”
Unwilling to take the administration’s censorship lying down, the Freedom Center plastered the Berkeley campus early Wednesday morning with posters bearing the hashtag #BerkeleyHatesFreeSpeech accompanying a picture of Horowitz with tape covering his mouth.
“Berkeley is a disgrace,” Horowitz concluded. “But it is just the most visible example of a nationwide trend among universities to bow to the desires of the totalitarian left and further their goal of suppressing ideas they don’t like.”
David Horowitz is the founder and CEO of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a not-for-profit organization located in Sherman Oaks, California. This spring, the Center launched a campaign opposing the declaration of “sanctuary campuses” as seditious efforts to undermine the Patriot Act and cripple the efforts of the Department of Homeland Security to protect Americans. So far, the campaign has targeted 11 California schools in the UC and Cal State systems with “WANTED” posters featuring UC president Janet Napolitano and Cal State University Chancellor Timothy White. The posters call for these administrators to be prosecuted for sedition and their campuses defunded. The posters are part of what will be a national campaign targeting university administrators who, in an effort to appease radical students and faculty, flagrantly break federal law and obstruct federal officials from protecting American citizens. More information on the Stop Sanctuary Campuses campaign may be found at
By David Horowitz
Originally published at
A full-page ad is appearing in today’s Daily Californian, calling on students to “COME HEAR DAVID HOROWITZ SPEAK AT BERKELEY ON APRIL 12.” Following this, the ad says, “COME HEAR HIM, THAT IS, IF YOU CAN FIND HIM!” Well actually you can’t. That’s because the UC Berkeley Administration, which is determined to keep its students “safe” from conservative speakers like me, chose to place such onerous restrictions on the event that its hosts, Berkeley College Republicans, felt they had to cancel it.
University officials will tell you that the restrictions were necessary to ensure public safety, but this will just be the most egregious of their self-serving lies. They will seek to validate this by invoking the February riot, which prevented Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking on campus, causing $100,000 damage and physical violence to bystanders in the process. Milo was not responsible for that riot; the Berkeley Administration and the UC police were. It was their responsibility to present a show of force that would have prevented the mayhem, and failing that to arrest the perpetrators and see to it that they received long jail sentences and were required to pay restitution for the damage they caused. But the UC can’t be bothered with actual concerns for public safety. In fact, the UC Police Department led by Captain Alex Yao, did nothing to stop or arrest the rioters, who as a result will not have to think twice before rioting again, say at my event or at Ann Coulter’s which is scheduled to take place at the end of the month.
A recent article in The Daily Californian on Berkeley’s history of student activism quoted me as saying this: “I would characterize today’s student left as fascist. … They want to shut down everyone who disagrees with them. … Berkeley is a national disgrace.” I offered these views even before the UC Administration caused the cancellation of the speech I was scheduled to give on the 12th. To my summary of the problem, I would add that Berkeley’s leftwing professors who encourage these views are also culpable, along with UAW union 3865 which represents over 16,000 “student-workers” across the UC system and sent out an email calling on the university not to give me a platform to speak on campus, citing alleged “Islamophobic and xenophobic campaigns my Freedom Center has sponsored.” Does anyone think the rights of the lowly College Republicans were a serious consideration for UC administrators when balanced against prejudices of the 16,000 members of a union notorious for its thuggery?
Everyone is by now familiar with the left’s desire to silence its political opponents. A liberal with integrity, Kirsten Powers, has even written a first-rate book titled, The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech. But the university regularly condones the antics of its leftist totalitarians, desperate for what all appeasers seek: peace in its time. So desperate is the administration to appease leftists within, in fact, that it willingly places placing crushing burdens on conservative students who want to hear other opinions – not possible in their classrooms because their professors and reading lists were long ago purged of conservative viewpoints.
The College Republicans who invited me to campus, originally had asked for a speaking time of 4PM. At that time, most classes would be over so that students could attend their event. They asked for a venue on campus for the same reason. They were denied both. Justifying this sabotage of their event, the Vice Chancellor for Student affairs invoked “security” concerns on the authority of Captain Yao. Yao insisted the event could only be held at 1PM, a time when afternoon classes were just starting. In addition, Captain Yao was adamant that the event could only be held at a site a half mile away from the actual campus, adding yet another deterrent to any students wanting to attend. He warned me personally, in a moment calling up Kafka as well as Orwell, that while we could announce the event, we could not advertise its location.
But even all these obstacles to a successful event weren’t in the eyes of the Vice Chancellor and his police captain enough. So two days before the event, when air tickets had been purchased and a full-page ad announcing the event had been placed in the Daily Californian, my Republican hosts were summoned to an audience with Vice Chancellor Stephen Sutton and UCPD Captain Yao to be told that their club was going to be charged $5778 for “security,” and an additional $2000 for rental on the room that was half a mile from campus.
This entire episode spits in the face of Berkeley’s alleged commitment to free speech. It is simply an outrage, another disgraceful chapter in the nationwide story of the university’s sycophantic capitulation to the totalitarian left and collaboration in its suppression of ideas they don’t like. Just days before my event was given a crib death by the UC administration, the Manhattan Institute’s expert on law enforcement, Heather MacDonald, was shouted down and prevented from speaking at Claremont College by students chanting “Hey hey, ho ho, Heather Mac has got to go,” and “shut it down.” Two dozen campus police officers watched the proceedings and did nothing. The Claremont administration did nothing, just as the UC Berkeley administration did nothing when masked thugs trashed the Milo event and the campus.
At the same time UC Berkeley and universities like it discourage conservatives, they open their arms to racist organizations like Black Lives Matter and terrorist support groups like Students for Justice in Palestine, a range of radical organizations. They provide them with offices and money, and deploy their police forces to destroy literature and speech opposing them. This behavior is a pretty clear violation of the civil rights of conservative students, who pay the same tuition at taxpayer funded institutions as leftwing fascists do. Perhaps the newly installed lawyers in the civil rights division of the Trump Education Department will pay the attention to this problem that the threat it poses to our democracy demand.
]]>By David Horowitz
Reprinted from
The University of California Berkeley has an unearned reputation as the “home of the Free Speech movement,” a reference to the 1964 campaign by that name, which was really about the right to conduct political recruitment for leftist causes on the campus proper. Free speech was obviously already a right guaranteed by the First Amendment and California law. This history came immediately to mind when I received an invitation from College Republicans to speak on campus April 12. The subject of my lecture would be my book, Big Agenda President Trump’s Plan to Save America,” not likely to be a popular subject among Berkeley’s student activists.
Two months previously, a speech by Milo Yiannopoulos had to be canceled when anarchists staged a riot, injuring several bystanders and causing $100,000 in property damage. Campus police were present but did nothing to prevent or stop it. Although my visibility on campuses is considerably lower than Milo’s, I did wonder how the UC police department was going to deal with the safety issues surrounding my event.
Sixteen years before, I had spoken at Berkeley during a controversy I triggered over reparations for slavery. I had taken the position that reparations to be paid 137 years after the fact to people who had never been slaves by people who had never been slave owners was divisive, unjust and even racist. The left reacted, predictably, by calling me racist. Since I knew there was likely to be trouble, I asked the chancellor to introduce me, thinking that his authority would help to give the event an academic demeanor. Instead he provided 30 armed guards, some wearing flak jackets, to watch over the proceedings. A team of them accompanied me to the bathroom prior to my speech and kicked open the stall doors, lest some assailant be hiding behind them. It was disgraceful, I thought, that a university couldn’t – or more accurately wouldn’t – discipline its radicals so that civility could prevail and a reasonable intellectual discourse take place on its campus. Nonetheless, the event went off peacefully, which told me that UC Berkeley had the firepower necessary to intimidate and dissuade the violent. That is, if it chose to do so.
Evidently, sixteen years later, it no longer does. Days before my scheduled appearance, my student hosts informed me that the university was insisting the event be held at 1PM, a time when afternoon classes were just starting and few students were likely to attend, instead of 4PM as they had originally asked. Moreover, the university was not going to make a space available on the actual campus, but at a site ten or twenty blocks away.
In other words, they were going to solve the violence against free speech problem by removing the free speech as far as possible from the community eye. Placing the burden on the victims of campus bigotry and violence outraged me. I put in a call to the office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, intending to protest the arrangement and see if I could get a more reasonable solution. This led to a phone call with Vice Chancellor Stephen Sutton and Captain Alex Yao of the UC police department. I pointed out that the students’ original request was for speaking time during daylight hours, which wouldn’t incur the same problems as Milo’s evening event did. I knew that they had an army of campus police at their disposal, and said that if they had used it during the Milo ruckus, they could have arrested the perpetrators and avoided the damages, and also the problem that my event now posed. Finally, I pointed out that they already had a serious public relations problem. People outside the university bubble appreciated the irony of the “home of the free speech movement” being so obviously hostile to free speech. Moreover, this had financial repercussions they probably did not want to ignore. I knew of at least one donor who had been planning to make a major gift to Berkeley but decided to withdraw the offer after witnessing the university’s capitulation to the Milo rioters.
My arguments were in vain. The Vice Chancellor assured me that the decision to place restrictions on the event had been made at the highest levels of the university. Then police captain Yao chimed in, and with great urgency said, “You can advertise the event but you must not give advance notice of its location.” I almost fell out of my chair when he said this. “In other words,” I replied, you are willing to allow a conservative speaker to come to campus – well, to an off-campus location – provided no one knows where it is. Free speech is okay with the university if we just hide it?”
Not everybody has drunk the progressive Kool-Aid offered by UC administrators. Consequently, on Wednesday April 12, when I appear at the off-campus location, the actual campus will find itself plastered with posters bearing the hashtag: “Berkeley hates free speech.”
Campuses targeted with posters include:
World Net Daily
April 21, 2017
WASHINGTON – Freedom Center founder David Horowitz says it should come as no surprise that the taxpayer-funded University of Alaska at Anchorage has a painting of a decapitated President Trump on display.
After all, he says, universities are run by “fascist” progressives who “wish conservatives dead.”
Pro-Trump Author Banned from Berkeley
Todd Beamon
April 20, 2017
David Horowitz, author of The New York Times bestselling book “Big Agenda: President Trump’s Plan to Save America,” slammed the University of California, Berkeley, after the Berkeley College Republicans canceled his speech last week, citing increased costs and other issues.
Horowitz to Conservatives ‘Stop being so nice, this is a street fight’
Greg Richter
April 19, 2017
It’s time conservatives stop using good manners with liberals and fight back, author David Horowitz told a crowd in Birmingham, Alabama, on Tuesday night.
Safety Concerns Prompt UC Berkeley to Cancel Talk by Ann Coulter
Francis Dinkelspiel
April 19, 2017
(Article also appeared in Berkeleyside on April 19, 2017)
UC Berkeley has canceled Ann Coulter’s planned talk on April 27 because it cannot guarantee the safety of the right-wing commentator or the safety of attendees or those protesting her appearance.
Let Coulter speak
The Daily Californian
Rudra Reddy
April 18, 2017
Coulter’s speech comes at an important time for Berkeley. Just a couple of weeks ago, David Horowitz’s scheduled appearance had to be canceled because the administration was only able to provide him with a speaking venue a mile away from campus during class time, citing security concerns
Since when did people start going to college to get stupid?
American Thinker
Patricia McCarthy
April 18, 2017
There are glimmers of sanity on the horizon. College Fix, Chronicle of Higher Education, Campus Reform, FrontPage, and Minding the Campus are sites that fight back against the rushing totalitarian tide of university indoctrination. David Horowitz does tireless and often thankless work on campuses to fight the anti-Semitism that has become de rigueur. He is usually shouted down, as have been Charles Murray, Milo Yiannopoulos, Ann Coulter, Ben Shapiro, etc.
April 18, 2017
Liberals and cultural-Marxists love to pat themselves on the back as being at the forefront of social justice activism. They arrogantly view themselves as the summum bonum; in their eyes they are Solomonic; they and they only know what is best for women, blacks and children. And if you have any doubt, just ask them.
Here’s why David Horowitz didn’t speak at Berkeley
Campus Reform
Troy Worden
April 17, 2017
At the present moment many are outraged that we—the Berkeley College Republicans (BCR)—had to cancel our David Horowitz event slated for April 12 while UC Berkeley continues to flaunt its supposed reputation as “the home of the Free Speech Movement.”
The Battle(s) Of Berkeley–Someone Is Going To Get Killed. Where Is Trump?
James Kirkpatrick
April 16, 2017
“Weimerica” is a common term for neoreactionaries and right wingers disgusted with the decadent culture and self-hatred of the modern United States. But it took on a whole new meaning Saturday when street fighting between organized groups of the Left and the Right broke out in Berkeley, California as antifa tried to shut down a free speech rally. And by all accounts, it was the nationalists who came out on top.
Berkeley cancels planned lecture by conservative writer David Horowitz, citing past violence
Matthew Balan
April 13, 2017
A group of conservative undergraduates at University of California, Berkeley cancelled a planned lecture of author David Horowitz, after the administration reportedly interfered with the event’s planning.
Berkeley College Republicans Claim Administration’s Restrictions Forced Cancellation of David Horowitz Event
Mixed Times
Tom Ciccotta
April 12, 2017
Members of the Berkeley College Republicans announced the cancellation of their scheduled event with conservative commentator David Horowitz, citing issues with an administration that reportedly sought to restrict the event.
Berkeley shuts down another conservative speaker
Red Alert Politics
Rosemary Dewar
April 12, 2017
UC Berkeley alumnus and author David Horowitz was invited by the campus’ College Republicans to speak. The convoluted communication between the College Republicans and Berkeley’s administration led the cancellation of the event.
A ‘Free Speech Area’ in Los Angeles
Wall Street Journal
James Freeman
April 11, 2017
Watching the daily violations of liberty and common sense on American college campuses sometimes makes one wonder why anyone wants to attend, even with a taxpayer subsidy. The Journal’s William McGurn describes in our pages today the mob that descended on our contributor Heather Mac Donald when she showed up to speak at Claremont McKenna, a private college east of Los Angeles. About 50 miles to the west of Claremont, free speech is coming under attack on yet another campus. But Constitutional liberty seems to have at least a few allies left.
Here we go again: Conservative’s speech cancelled at Berkeley over ‘Security Concerns’
Guy Benson
April 13, 2017
A planned speech by conservative writer and lecturer David Horowitz at the University of California at Berkeley has been cancelled after the university imposed an escalating series of restrictions and costs upon event organizers. After left-wing fascists violently shut down a scheduled appearance by provocateur Milo Yiannopolous earlier this year, university officials informed the campus’ College Republicans chapter that bringing another controversial right-leaning figure to speak would now come with new, massive fees and additional obstacles. Rather than doing what it takes to defend freedom of speech and thought at the birthplace of the free speech movement, Cal administrators are punishing conservatives for the unacceptable reactionary tantrums of their ideological opponents, making conservative speech literally less free at the school. San Francisco’s CBS affiliate reports:
Colorado just banned ‘free speech zones’ on campus. Here’s what that means
The Colorado Independent
Corey Hutchins
April 11, 2017
Maybe you went to a candidate rally on a Colorado university campus this campaign season and spotted a sign with an arrow directing you to a designated “free speech area.”
As of the fall semester, on Colorado’s public university campuses, those areas roping off the First Amendment will be no more.
Who’s behind the free speech crisis on campus?
Socialist Worker
Dorian Bon
April 12, 2017
Conservative Writer David Horowitz’s Talk At UC Berkeley Cancelled Due To Security Concerns
Devin Fehely
April 11, 2017
BERKELEY (KPIX 5) — There’s another challenge to free speech on the Cal campus. College Republicans say they were forced to cancel a conservative speaker because of too many administration roadblocks.
Berkeley Republicans Forced to Cancel David Horowitz Event Due to College’s ‘Orwellian’ Demands
Lukas Mikelionis
April 11, 2017
Berkeley College Republicans have cancelled an event with conservative writer David Horowitz after the university administration allegedly tried to keep the event secret and hardly accessible to the public.
Berkeley College Republicans cancel David Horowitz event, citing estimated low turnout
The Daily Californian
Carina Zhao
April 10, 2017 (Updated April 11, 2017)
In a since deleted tweet, Berkeley College Republicans announced that it is canceling its campus event with controversial conservative author David Horowitz because of difficulties with the campus.
Understanding the Campus Free-Speech Crisis
National Review
Stanley Kurtz
April 12, 2017
What’s gone wrong on our college campuses and how can we fix it? This past week, Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald, a knowledgeable supporter of America’s criminal justice system and thoughtful critic of the Black Lives Matter movement, was repeatedly shouted down by protesters at UCLA, then silenced and forced to escape with a police escort the next day, during what should have been her talk at Claremont McKenna College.
My Free Speech at Berkeley – Not
The Daily Caller
David Horowitz
April 12, 2017
A full-page ad is appearing in today’s Daily Californian, calling on students to “COME HEAR DAVID HOROWITZ SPEAK AT BERKELEY ON APRIL 12.” Following this, the ad says, “COME HEAR HIM, THAT IS, IF YOU CAN FIND HIM!” Well actually you can’t. That’s because the UC Berkeley Administration, which is determined to keep its students “safe” from conservative speakers like me, chose to place such onerous restrictions on the event that its hosts, Berkeley College Republicans, felt they had to cancel it.
Berkeley Hates Free Speech
The Daily Caller
David Horowitz
April 10, 2017
The University of California Berkeley has an unearned reputation as the “home of the Free Speech movement,” a reference to the 1964 campaign by that name, which was really about the right to conduct political recruitment for leftist causes on the campus proper. Free speech was obviously already a right guaranteed by the First Amendment and California law. This history came immediately to mind when I received an invitation from College Republicans to speak on campus April 12. The subject of my lecture would be my book, Big Agenda President Trump’s Plan to Save America,” not likely to be a popular subject among Berkeley’s student activists.
Conservative Writer David Horowitz’s Talk at UC Berkeley Cancelled Due To Security Concerns
CBS SF Bay Area
Devin Fehely
April 11, 2017
BERKELEY (KPIX 5) — There’s another challenge to free speech on the Cal campus. College Republicans say they were forced to cancel a conservative speaker because of too many administration roadblocks.
Berkeley College Republicans Claim Administration’s Restrictions Forced Cancellation of David Horowitz Event
Breibart News
Tom Ciccotta
April 12, 2017
An event featuring conservative commentator David Horowitz has been canceled by the Berkely College Republicans allegedly over administration attempts to restrict the lecture event.
Freedom Center Demands Trump Defund “Sanctuary Campuses”
March 25, 2017
A California group is launching a controversial “No Sanctuary Campuses” campaign, calling for President Trump to defund any state university that declares itself a “sanctuary” and to prosecute state and university officials promoting “sanctuary” for criminal aliens as “secessionists.”
Group calls on defunding ‘sanctuary’ universities, Napolitano’s ouster
March 24, 2017
A Los Angeles-based group is set to begin its “No Sanctuary Campuses” campaign Friday that calls for state universities that refuse to cooperate with federal officials on illegal immigration to be defunded and the ouster of the school system’s president, Janet Napolitano.
‘Sedition’ suits against sanctuary schools good step
Washington Times
March 24, 2017
The David Horowitz Freedom Center in Los Angeles is kicking into high gear a campaign against 11 schools in California known as safe havens for illegals, telling them, in no uncertain terms: Stop the sanctuary madness. Or else we’ll prosecute you “for sedition,” group founder Horowitz wrote, in an online post.
Posters to go up at UC San Diego targeting Janet Napolitano and ‘sanctuary campuses’
The San Diego Union-Tribune
March 23, 2017
An organization founded by conservative activist David Horowitz said it will put up posters at UC San Diego on Friday calling for University of California President Janet Napolitano to be prosecuted over “sanctuary campuses.”
University President Becomes Most Wanted Man
March 23, 2017
University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler is a wanted man – according to posters hung around the U of M-Twin Cities campus at least.
Posters to go up at UC San Diego targeting Janet Napolitano and ‘sanctuary campuses’
Los Angeles Times
March 23, 2017
An organization founded by conservative activist David Horowitz said it will put up posters at UC San Diego on Friday calling for University of California President Janet Napolitano to be prosecuted over “sanctuary campuses.”
]]>MINNEAPOLIS — University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler is a wanted man – according to posters hung around the U of M-Twin Cities campus at least.
Overnight, people associated with the David Horowitz Freedom Center walked around campus posting dozens of “wanted” signs with Kaler’s face plastered on them.
The posters were displayed in response to Kaler’s decision to make the University a sanctuary entity.
As reported by Alpha News in November, Kaler announced in a prepared statement, “I want to assure you that the University’s senior leadership team and I are firmly committed to the safety of all of our students, including immigrants and undocumented students.”
David Horowitz, founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center doesn’t agree with Kaler. He expressed outrage at the thought of undocumented immigrants finding more protections in this country than American citizens.
Originally published in the Alpha News
]]>By David Horowitz
There are now 500 sanctuary cities in the United States, virtually all Democratic, which are pledged not to cooperate with the Department of Homeland Security in its efforts to secure our borders, identify terrorists, and deport criminal aliens. California has taken the lead in this pernicious movement and is about to become the first sanctuary state. Moreover, every public California institution of higher learning has declared itself a “sanctuary campus” including the University of California whose president Janet Napolitano is a former Obama appointee to head the Department of Homeland Security itself. This is the most massive movement of sedition since the Civil War and is the centerpiece of the so-called “resistance” – itself a form of sedition in a democracy – that Democrats have mobilized against the Trump administration.
With its proposed budget, the Trump administration has taken the first step in dealing with this internal threat to American security by withdrawing federal funding for criminal municipalities and counties which are in open defiance of federal law. De-funding is a good first step but is not enough to counter-act the serious threat that the sanctuary movement poses to our nation’s security in the midst of the global war that Islamists have declared on us. What is needed is the prosecution of the criminal officials leading this movement. The Department of Justice needs to investigate and indict the mayors of these municipalities and the derelict presidents and chancellors of sanctuary campuses.
This week to support such an effort, the Freedom Center launched a campaign targeting 11 California schools in the UC and Cal State system. We are putting up “WANTED” posters featuring UC president Janet Napolitano and Cal State University Chancellor Timothy White. The posters call for them to be prosecuted for sedition and their campuses defunded. The posters are part of what will be a national campaign targeting university administrators who, in an effort to appease radical students and faculty, flagrantly break federal law and obstruct federal officials from protecting American citizens.
The Freedom Center’s “No Sanctuary Campuses” campaign began last month at UC Berkeley when Milo Yiannopolous was scheduled to launch our campaign but was prevented from speaking by leftwing fascists whose riot caused over $100,000 in property damage and resulted in serious injuries for several bystanders, while the Berkeley police looked on and did nothing.
Sanctuary campuses are not only part of a radical attack on America’s social, political, and educational establishment but a dagger aimed at the rule of law and the nation’s safety. The illegal immigrant’s first act on American soil is to break the most fundamental of U.S. laws. The administrators who make their schools sanctuaries are making that lawlessness part of the character and identity of our most important intellectual institutions. The Freedom Center’s campaign will move from California to the rest of the U.S, and hopefully inspire others to do the same. It will call out by name administrators such as Napolitano and White who defy federal immigration law and hopefully will galvanize trustees, alumni and attorneys general to resist this assault on our country and take action against these administrators. It will also make the case against sanctuary campuses to the American public whose taxes underwrite the UC and Cal State University systems and other schools across the country.
The “sanctuary movement” began as a concerted effort by left-wing administrations in major American cities to undermine the Patriot Act and make it more difficult for the Department of Homeland Security to ferret out terrorists and criminal aliens, and deport them. This movement has already led to murders and other crimes committed by illegal aliens to whom sanctuary cities give immunity and protection. But since the election of a president determined to rectify this untenable situation the left has doubled down and is now working to spread this seditious movement from our cities to our colleges and universities, and, in California, to make the entire state a sanctuary for foreign criminals.
The time has come for patriotic Americans to form their own resistance to the growing threat from within, orchestrated by the political left. The president is under incredible, unprecedented attack for his efforts to defend the republic from these threats. He needs help in the form of local movements to remove from office seditious officials running our cities and universities, who have been able to do so with no consequences for them until now. The time has come to make America secure again.
]]>Leftist UC Berkeley students and outsiders rioted last night to prevent Milo Yiannopoulos from delivering a David Horowitz Freedom Center-sponsored speech demanding the end of “sanctuary campuses” that harbor illegal aliens. Milo’s address, which was canceled amid violent mob attacks, fire-setting, and wanton property destruction, had been scheduled to mark the launch of the Freedom Center’s #nosanctuarycampusforcriminals campaign.
“One thing we do know for sure: the Left is absolutely terrified of free speech and will do literally anything to shut it down,” Yiannopoulos, tech editor at Breitbart News, said after being safely evacuated from the campus.
“This is what tolerance looks like at UC Berkeley,” Mike Wright, a Berkeley College Republicans member told SFGate as smoke bombs exploded nearby. He said paint was thrown on his person. “It’s sad.”
“The so-called ‘sanctuary movement’ is a concerted effort by left-wing administrations in major cities to thwart the purposes of the Patriot Act, undermine federal immigration law, and cripple the efforts of the Department of Homeland security to protect American citizens from terrorist threats,” David Horowitz, founder and CEO of the Freedom Center, said on Jan. 31.
“Thanks to the efforts of left-wing activists and administrators, this seditious movement has now spread to our colleges and universities.”
Backed by the Freedom Center, Yiannopoulos, an outspoken gay, Jewish, Greek-born British citizen who ardently supports President Trump, was on campus to demand that federal grants to UC Berkeley be withdrawn and that university officials like UC President Janet Napolitano and Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks who endanger their students with their illegal alien-shielding policies be prosecuted.
UC President Napolitano, formerly President Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary, is under the microscope because, as head of the taxpayer-supported University of California system, she is deliberately harboring hundreds of illegal aliens attending UC system schools. She has forbidden campus police from working with immigration law enforcement and provided $5 million to aid the illegals UC is sheltering from ICE.
The University of California system even provides legal aid to illegal alien students who wish to keep breaking U.S. immigration laws.
The executive director of the University of California Undocumented Legal Services Center at the UC Davis School of Law explained to Rolling Stone in December what a sanctuary campus was.
“Basically it’s a concept that says, ‘You’re safe here, and your immigration status, we won’t ask,’” said Maria Blanco. “’We won’t turn you over. We won’t turn your records over.’”
Not all the rioters were from Berkeley.
Many of those dressed black bloc-style so police can’t identify them appear to be associated with the “antifa” movement. Antifa may be short for anti-fascist but these thugs, usually a mix of anarchists and communists, use violent fascistic tactics against their targets. These terrorists do not tolerate opposing views. Before the riots broke out those gathered carried signs that read “hate speech is not free speech.” Signs from the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PLS) also showed up in Berkeley.
Antifa is also involved in the protests and melees at airports nationwide launched in opposition to President Trump’s Executive Order 13769 which as of Jan. 27 temporarily banned visitors from a handful of terrorism-plagued Muslim nations.
The Berkeley police had reportedly been given a “stand down” order which allowed rioters to generate mayhem. Later when the police declared the throng of troublemakers an unlawful assembly and ordered those present to leave, the mob chanted “you go first!”
After leaving the campus Yiannopoulos reflected on the night’s events in a video on his Facebook page.
I don’t want to get into wild conspiracy theorizing or pointing fingers but it’s been noted by a number of people including Tucker Carlson at Fox News that the police presence did not seem to be particularly aggressive this evening and that’s something that I witnessed and that my security detail witnessed too. There was a sort of sit back, let it happen approach.
I was evacuated, really, at the first sign of trouble. Trouble did get a lot worse after I did leave so I think I’d’ve had to leave anyway. So this event may never have got off the ground. It seems as though the university and police didn’t really want it to happen but the fact that on an American college campus, a place of higher education, a place of learning in America which I’d come to, as a visitor from the United Kingdom where we don’t have a First Amendment, hoping that this would be somewhere where you could be, do, and say anything, where you could express your views, express your opinions, crack some jokes, make people think, make people laugh, free from violent responses to political ideas. I thought America was the one place where that would be possible.
I am, of course, not the racist or the sexist or anything else that the posters that they put up claim that I am. They do that in order to legitimize their own violence against you. But even if I were, even if the things that they said about me were true, this still wouldn’t be an appropriate response to ideas.
The rioting is amply documented on social media.
Twitter is overflowing with video footage from Berkeley last night showing rioters beating people thought to be conservatives or supporters of Yiannopoulos or President Trump with poles and spraying mace into their eyes. One video appeared to show an unconscious man lying face down in the street being beaten with a shovel. The rioters even provided a soundtrack to accompany their violence, giving the insurrection a rave-like quality as “We Found Love” by recording artist Rihanna was blasted out by loudspeakers.
“Kill fascists” was spray-painted on a shop window. A Starbucks outlet was looted. ATMs at a Bank of America branch were smashed.
Of course any students participating in the mayhem yesterday should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and expelled from Berkeley. Teaching and administrative staff may also have been involved in the violence and if so they too should be dealt with severely.
But given the University of California system’s full-throated embrace of lawlessness, don’t hold your breath.
Local authorities aren’t much better.
The mayor of Berkeley, Jesse Arreguin (D), seemed to green-light the riots in a Twitter post. “Using speech to silence marginalized communities and promote bigotry is unacceptable,” he tweeted, in a reference to Yiannopoulos. “Hate speech isn’t welcome in our community.”
When things spiraled out of control, he backpedaled, tweeting, “Violence and destruction is not the answer[.]”
And don’t forget that the George Soros-funded slander shop, Media Matters for America, helped to lay the groundwork for the leftist violence surrounding Yiannopoulos in Berkeley and at other stops on his speaking tour. It has long urged colleges to prevent him from speaking, characterizing his mere words as harassment.
Berkeley, interestingly enough, was the home of something that called itself the Free Speech Movement in the 1960s.
But that was a long time ago.
Freedom Center Calls for the Withdrawal of Federal Grants and Prosecution of University Administrators who Refuse to Uphold Federal Immigration Law; Milo Yiannopoulos to Kick Off Campaign with Speech at Berkeley on Feb. 1
The David Horowitz Freedom Center claimed credit for posters that appeared early this morning on the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) opposing so-called “sanctuary campuses” which violate federal immigration law and endanger American citizens. The campaign will kick-off with a speech by editor and conservative activist Milo Yiannopoulos at UC-Berkeley on February 1st.
Since the U.S. presidential election in November, nearly 30 campuses have declared their defiance of federal immigration law as “sanctuary campuses.” The Center is calling on President Trump to withdraw federal grants from so-called Sanctuary schools and on the Department of Justice to prosecute university officials, beginning with former Department of Homeland Security head and UC President Janet Napolitano.
One poster hung on campus featured a caricature of University of California President Janet Napolitano with the word “Sedition” scrawled at the top, which is defined on the poster as “Rebellion against legitimate authority.” Addition text states the imperative to “Prosecute” Napolitano and “De-Fund” UC schools that fail to comply with federal immigration law. The hashtag #NoSanctuaryCampusForCriminals appears at the bottom of the poster.
A second poster contained the same language but featured a caricature of UCLA Chancellor Gene Block while a third poster featured a picture of Napolitano with text that read “Wanted for violated federal immigration law: Defund UC, prosecute Napolitano.”
Posters targeting Napolitano were also placed on the campus of UC-Berkeley on the morning of January 30th. Images of the posters may be viewed on the campaign website at
“The so-called ‘sanctuary movement’ is a concerted effort by left-wing administrations in major cities to thwart the purposes of the Patriot Act, undermine federal immigration law, and cripple the efforts of the Department of Homeland security to protect American citizens from terrorist threats,” said David Horowitz, founder and CEO of the Freedom Center. “Thanks to the efforts of leftwing activists and administrators, this seditious movement has now spread to our colleges and universities.”
The David Horowitz Freedom Center, founded in 1989, is a not-for-profit organization located in Sherman Oaks, California. The Center’s mission is to defend free societies like America and Israel, who are under attack by totalitarian forces both religious and secular, both domestic and foreign. More information on the Stop Sanctuary Campuses campaign may be found at
Contact: Elizabeth Ruiz
818-849-3470, ext. 202
[email protected]
Milo Yiannopoulos to kick off campaign at Berkeley on Feb 1.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center today announced a new campaign targeting so-called “sanctuary campuses” which violate federal immigration law and endanger American citizens. The campaign will kick-off with a speech by editor and conservative activist Milo Yiannopoulos at UC-Berkeley on February 1st. The Center is calling on President Trump to withdraw federal grants from so-called Sanctuary schools and on the Department of Justice to prosecute university officials, beginning with former Department of Homeland Security head and UC President Janet Napolitano.
Since the U.S. presidential election in November, nearly 30 campuses have declared their defiance of federal immigration law as “sanctuary campuses.” More schools now are considering adopting this status as a result of an “escalation campaign” by student groups opposing the presidency of Donald Trump, and in particular his efforts to secure America’s borders and deport criminals who have entered the country illegally.
The Freedom Center’s campaign featuring Milo Yiannopoulos will bring public attention and pressure to bear on university administrators who have shown disloyalty and contempt for both federal immigration law and the rule of law itself in appeasing radical immigration activists’ demands for sanctuary campuses. The campaign will be launched at UC Berkeley on February 1, with a call to prosecute UC president Janet Napolitano and Berkeley chancellor Nicholas Dirks.
“The so-called ‘sanctuary movement’ is a concerted effort by left-wing administrations in major cities to thwart the purposes of the Patriot Act, undermine federal immigration law, and cripple the efforts of the Department of Homeland security to protect American citizens from terrorist threats,” said David Horowitz, founder and CEO of the Freedom Center. “Thanks to the efforts of leftwing activists and administrators, this seditious movement has now spread to our colleges and universities.”
Among the campuses which have declared themselves “sanctuaries” for illegal immigrants is Columbia University whose provost John Coatsworth recently stated, “The University will neither allow immigration officials on our campus without a warrant nor share information on the immigration status of students…” and the University of California system whose president Janet Napolitano has prohibited campus police from cooperating with federal immigration officials and has awarded $5 million to enhance access to funding and other aid for the hundreds of illegal immigrants now attending UC schools.
The Freedom Center will call for a withdrawal of federal grants from universities that embrace this seditious principle. It will also call for the prosecution of those administrators, like UC president Napolitano, who have put in place measures that prohibit campus authorities from cooperating with federal immigration officials and enforcing existing federal laws, and will press the case to legislators in the states where sanctuary campuses are located and particularly to those sitting on Higher Education committees.
This campaign will make its case through campus speeches and events, articles and pamphlets, and ads in campus papers arguing the case that “sanctuary campuses” are seditious and a threat to the security of Americans.
The Freedom Center’s strike against sanctuary campuses will also include a guerilla postering campaign during which activists will hang posters on targeted campuses featuring the names and likenesses of university administrators and identifying them as supporting sedition.
“This is a situation that cannot be allowed to stand,” declares Horowitz. “If the illegal immigrant’s first act on American soil is to break U.S. law, these university administrators are extending that lawlessness into society’s most important intellectual institutions. Our campaign will galvanize trustees, alumni and attorneys general to take action against these administrations which are thwarting American law and will also make this case to the American public whose taxes underwrite most of these institutions.”
The David Horowitz Freedom Center, founded in 1989, is a not-for-profit organization located in Sherman Oaks, California. The Center’s mission is to defend free societies like America and Israel, who are under attack by totalitarian forces both religious and secular, both domestic and foreign. More information on the Stop Sanctuary Campuses campaign may be found at
Contact: Elizabeth Ruiz
818-849-3470, ext. 202
[email protected]