About Me

Juliet Diaz, a hereditary witch from a long line of witch healers from Cuba, she is indigenous Taino and her practice revolves around Earth medicine and Magick. She is the owner of November Sage Apothecary & and the online school Tierra Sagrada. She’s a healer, seer, herbalist, and mother. Known as the Witch healer, Plant Whisperer for her abilities as a natural healer and gift of communicating with plants, trees, nature spirits. Juliet was born extrasensory and comes from a long lineage of witch healers. Signs of her natural gifts like healing, energy reading, communication with spirit & other realms shined through at the age of 3. She believes Magick lives within us all. She feels passionate about bringing truth to this mundane world and inspiring others to step into their truth.

Juliet is an active leader in protecting our Earth and indigenous rights. She is an activist, a lead panel member and speaker for the Indigenous peoples movement, A United Nations Deligate in training for issues on healing and protecting the Earth. She is also a Behique, a healer honored by her tribe and ancestors, higuayagua Taino. Best selling author of the book, Witchery – Embrace the Witch within.